This can be your Forum...

...and your ideas and positions are very welcome here: Don't hesitate to contact the Editors! 18 authors of the Wroclaw Commentaries already volunteered to participate in efforts to keep this webspace alive! How about a debate on topics such as:

  • the Twitter language of the new US President in the light of Human Rights norms,
  • controversies around new movable heritage protection rules in some countries (e.g. Germany), or
  • the French "Burkini" controversy?

ARTS RIGHTS JUSTICE Programme launched

In 2017, the Department of Cultural Policy at University of Hildesheim/Germany launched its ARTS RIGHTS JUSTICE Programme, whose aim is to analyse and define spaces for freedom of artistic expression and to develop instruments for preserving and protecting human rights. In its first 'academy' week, 40 activists coming from 30 countries - including UN Special Rapporteur Farida Shaheed - exchanged experiences on how to deal with censorship and persecution.

Handbook Presentation in Copenhagen, July 2017

The WROCLAW COMMENTARIES have been presented at the ICON·S 2017 Conference on “Courts, Power, Public Law” in Copenhagen, July 5–7, 2017. Kalliopi Chainoglou (Editor) and Andrzej Jakubowski (Scientific Committee) delivered their interpretation of the Handbook's findings in a Panel on "Enforcing Cultural Rights – Current Challenges and Future Perspectives".

ART UNDER THREAT: More violations of artistic freedom

The latest edition of the annual "Art under Threat" documentation has been published by Freemuse in February 2017. In 2016 a total number of 1,028 cases of censorship and attacks on artistic freedom across 78 countries has been registered. This number more than doubled the number of cases registered in 2015, rising from 469.

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